Scan one of the QR codes below with your smart phone camera to download the Life-Bulb app.
Follow these steps to use the app and sync the light. Note: Both your smart phone and Smart Light Control System box need to be within Wi-Fi range to pick up the signal. If your router is greater than 50 feet from the control box you may need a Wi-Fi extender to expand the signal.
STEP 1 Download the Life-Bulb app and then open it. Choose when to allow
Notifications and Agree to the User Agreement and Privacy Policy.
STEP 2 Tap sign-up to register.
STEP 3 Enter your email address, check agree to privacy policy and user agreement, tap Get Verification Code.
STEP 4 Enter the verification code that was sent to your email address.
STEP 5 Set your password then tap done.
STEP 6 Tap “Allow” when you see “Life-Bulb would like to find and connect
to devices on your local network”.
STEP 7 Tap “Continue” when you see “Life-Bulb app is requesting the
following access permissions”.
STEP 8 Tap “OK” when you see “Life-Bulb Would Like to Use Bluetooth”.
STEP 9 IMPORTANT - The app will show “Add Device” but before doing so you need to have the light in pairing mode. To set the light to pairing mode, turn the switch controlling power to the light OFF and ON three (3) times. The light will turn white and begin to flash. Once it is in pairing mode, tap “Add Device”. NOTE: Once the light begins flashing, you will have about 1 minute to pair the light. If the light stops flashing and turns solid before it is paired, you will have to repeat the OFF and ON process until the light starts to flash again. Then proceed with adding the device.
STEP 10 Tap “Continue” when you see “Life-Bulb app is requesting the following access permissions”.
STEP 11 Tap “Allow While Using App” when you see “Allow Life-Bulb to use your location”
STEP 12 Tap “Add” to add device
STEP 13 Enter your Wi-Fi information and tap “Next”. NOTE: Please be sure your wi-fi router password is correct. The app will still try to connect the device even with an incorrect password but after a minute or so you will receive a "device adding timeout" message. You will not receive an "incorrect" password notification if entered incorrectly.
STEP 14 You will see the device being added. Once added successfully tap “Done”
LIGHT WILL NOT CONNECT TO WI-FI - Both your smart phone and Smart Light Control System box need to be within Wi-Fi range. If you receive one of the below messages, your control box and/or smart phone is too far away from your router and is not picking up your Wi-Fi signal. Since the control box is now mounted to the wall you will need to move the router closer to your control box until it detects the light (device). If you are unable to move the router closer you will need to add a Wi-Fi extender or Mesh Network to expand the Wi-Fi signal.
1) “Network is unavailable, please check the network”
2) ” Life-Bulb” is not showing up on the app
3) “Device Adding Timeout” NOTE: If you receive this message it could also be due to an insufficient password that was entered in step 13. The app will still try to connect the device even with an incorrect password. You will not receive an "incorrect" password notification. Exit out of the screen by clicking the "X" in the upper left corner of the screen. Click on "add device" again and enter the correct password".
If the error message continues you will need to do the following steps to verify that your password is correct.
1) Go to your Wi-Fi settings on your smartphone
2) Find your network name for the router
3) Tap on "forget this device"
4) Tap on your network name under "NETWORKS"
5) Enter your password to reestablish the network
6) Try adding the device (Smart Light) again through the Life-Bulb app
LIGHT WILL NOT TURN ON WITH THE POWER SWITCH - If you previously used your remote to turn off the light you will need to turn the light back on with the remote before you can use the on/off switch to sync the light.
NOTE: We recommend using the app to control the light verses the remote. Wi-Fi is a more reliable signal than the RF technology used by the remote.
You can set days and times for your light to turn ON and OFF. To schedule the light follow the instructions below.
STEP 1 Tap the "schedule" icon in the lower right
STEP 2 Tap on "Schedule"
STEP 3 Tap "Add"
STEP 4 Select the time you want the light to come on. Select the day(s) you want the light to come on
STEP 5 Tap "Switch" and select "Turn on"
STEP 6 Tap "Save" in the upper right corner
STEP 7 Tap "Add" at the bottom and go through the same process to select the time you want the light to turn off. Tap "switch" and select "Turn off". Tap "Save"
NOTE: If you want to receive alerts on your phone when the light turns ON and OFF you can turn on "Notifications"
When you tap on the musical note in the app the light will respond to sounds picked up through the your smartphone microphone. The light will change based on general surrounding sounds or to the beat of music. You can play music through your smartphone speaker or an external speaker. The closer the speaker is to your smartphone microphone the stronger the lights reaction will be to the music.
If you are on "local mode" you can build your own color scene by tapping on the star icon. The sensitivity can also be adjusted by tapping on the icon to the left of the star. When in the "app mode" the light will select its own color changes to go with the music.
Scan one of the QR codes below with your smart phone camera to download the 3rd party Smart Life app, follow the instructions to activate the app to control your light with Alexa or Google Home.